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Adopt Road Safety Oath

Vatan Ka Heera - Dare

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Of Blessings & Money
The Best seed to
Thrive in 2022

Amal Bharat Andolan


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National Road Safety Atlas

Going Green

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Paris Agreement

MIC Grandeur

Kaun Banega Supergenius

Runners Club India

Rally 2 Rule

All India & Wold rally 

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam.....

Disaster Relief Center

Beat Drug Menance

Road Safety Academy

Action & Prevention


National Dare of Mother India Care

Gimba Therapy

 Disaster Relief Center - DRC - A National Project 
First DRC Near Bangalore to be Set Up On Old Madras Road
Support National Project "DRC" and Make India Proud

Beware !!

India witnesses a life casualty every 4 minutes in a road accident. The increase in the death ratio is maximum due to the lack of proper aid in time to the road accident victim. Major cause of road accidents are driver’s fault and it can be corrected. The daily road accidents death carnage has become a national disaster which is a human induced disaster. It is high time now. This needs to stop and requires immediate attention. Action is the key and prevention & management is the priority. Mother India Care has prepared, adopted and implemented decade of action 2021-2030, a comprehensive national project on road safety with a noble and ultimate goal of zero death & no serious injury by road crash in India.

Pandemic has changed the entire world, many lost their lives, many lost their jobs and many are at the risk of losing their jobs. Many people are dying every year due to human instigated disaster like road traffic hazards, and many are at the risk of natural disaster like environment hazards, biological hazards, epidemic hazards, and nuclear hazards etc. Action is the key and prevention & management is the priority.

There is an immediate need of national project to mitigate and manage human instigated disaster and natural disaster.

Road Safety:

MIC have been pre-eminent in spreading the message about human instigated disaster prevention (road safety & environment safety) through a wide variety of grass root activities aimed at raising awareness amongst all levels of grass root activities aimed at raising awareness amongst all levels of society as to the risks & consequences associated with a lack of safety prevention awareness.

The intention is to educate and encourage the road users to understand and realize the importance of road safety in life. The solution could be derived or the remedial measure could be worked upon if the road commuters are aware about the cause and the fatal consequences of road traffic crash hazards. Major cause of road accidents are driver’s fault and it can be corrected.

Environment Safety:

The increase in the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere leads to smog which can restrict sunlight from reaching earth. Thus preventing plants in the process of photosynthesis. The increase of carbon dioxide in the air is decreasing the quality of air we breathe in, which leads to several respiratory problems including asthma or lung cancer amongst others.

Major sources of nitrogen oxide emissions include:

Vehicles (Cars and trucks)

Coal-fired power generation plants

Large industrial units

Ships and airplanes

The presence of excess nitrogen in the atmosphere in the form of nitrogen oxides or ammonia is deposited back onto land, where it washes into nearby water bodies. These excess nutrients contribute to pollution, harmful algal blooms and oxygen-deprived aquatic zones. Excess ammonia and low pH in these areas are toxic to aquatic organisms and affect their survival.

Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Hazards and Safety

The Mother India Care initiative of raising the level of awareness amongst the biomedical scientists in general and pharmacists in particular for the medical preparedness and mass casualty management issues of CBRN mitigation and training undertaken by the stakeholders.

CBRN, an acronym referring to Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear, is in common use worldwide, in reference to CBRN passive protection, contamination avoidance, and CBRN mitigation. Effects of CBRN agents are varied and dependent on the agent involved, impingement area, incident conditions (weather, terrain, time), and exposures to life, systems, and environment. The CBRN terrorism activities differ from a normal terrorist attack, because CBRN agents additionally cause contamination and specific health hazards. The agent used may affect health of victims like chemical/radiation burns, heat burns, injuries, infection, poisoning, disabilities, etc. The net result is psychological vulnerability and neuropsychological sequel, fleeing of affected community due to fear of unknown, resulting in exponential spread of disaster victims, and overwhelming of hospitals by people believing themselves to be affected. The worst case scenario is much more threatening.

National Safety Brigade (NSB) Training, both theoretical and practical, with periodic refresher training.

Training and research are two integral critical components to combat the evolving threat of CBRN incidents. Mitigation of CBRN emergencies is easy, provided we are prepared, equipped, and trained for the same without slightest relaxation.

The system challenge requires innovative and multidisciplinary medical management approach for preparedness for response, training, hospital safety and security. There is a strong need to prepare comprehensive emergency plans to tackle CBRN incidents keeping in mind the system challenges, and build capacities matching with threat perception, raise the level of preparedness and hone response mechanisms. This calls for a vibrant institutional system to be put in place.

CBRN disaster management guidelines

Management of mass casualty incidents due to covert attacks involving CBRN agents or human-made accidents involving them, requires overall preparedness and risk reduction at all levels including development of an efficient response mechanism. This needs contingency planning, capacity development in terms of provision of basic infrastructure, trained human resources, equipment, and evolvement of coordination and implementation mechanisms. The nodal ministries, technical support organizations, and other stakeholders & emergency functionaries have a big role to play at all levels. Disaster Management Authorities at various levels (National, State, and District) should come up with implementable Action Plans and Standard Operating Procedures and assign dedicated resources for achieving the same.

“Our behavior on road is a reflection of our character,” so we work as a pressure group to give a wake-up call to the authorities concerned and shake the bad driving habits of our people. There is “No U-turn” after a crash so avoid it, any way possible.

Just imagine, if you stay on this page for 5 minutes, seven more must have died somewhere on the roads, not to mention how many getting injured through human induced disaster. How many are dying in natural disaster every year.

We are forming a National Safety Brigade - NSB a private Commandos (who will be trained and ready to supplement the efforts of state and central government efforts to act as Emergency First Responders (EFRs).


Disaster Relief Centers (DRCs)

MIC (Mother India Care) is basing to launch its pilot & a national project to set up chain of Accident Relief Centers (ARCs), (mobile & immovable DRCs) on major highways across India by spotting the disaster and accident prone locations. We have planned to set up 100 such DRCs on major highways across India.

Each DRC will provide disaster management and emergency care at the accident/disaster spot and will be equipped with

First aid / ICU,

Ambulance Van,
Mobile ARC (Hospital on Wheels)
Oxygen Bar
Laser Scanner (To detect cause of road accident)
Hydraulic cutter
Air Shower filtration,
Towing Facility, 
Automobile Garage / Spares,
Rest Room
Medical Assistive Robots
Solar Famr
CO2 Suction Plant
Emergency refueling
Air Ambulance
Ambulance Drone
Evacuation Shelter * (Provided at DRC plus useful for natural and human instigated disaster).

Each DRC locations will be thus providing services to human and metal body. The idea is to facilitate the victim with timely help during the first and golden / critical hour after the disaster/accident. The initial and emergency rescue and relief services and also the transfer/journey from the disaster / accident spot to the nearest hospital would be the priority & responsibility of DRC

DRC will have 3 different categories such as Portable, Concrete and DRC Plus. 

Ambulance Drone

We have also planned to introduce Ambulance Drone Service in India so as to save lives more faster than the regular ambulance van to avoid traffic congestion issues. This ambulance drone is a small size which is similar to the size of compact car, and it can fly and land at any surface easily and can fly either on auto pilot mode or can be controlled remotely by a pilot through GPS tracking system. It can airlift one patient/victim and one attendant and will be very useful for hospitals to carry vital organs for transplantations. This ambulance drone can fly at the height of 500 feet and can even be used in no fly zone and the DGCA approval can be accorded.

Roadside Breakdown Assistance Services:

We understand the emergency needs of motorists. Anytime, anywhere and anything can happen to the vehicles. Faulty vehicles also causing road traffic accidents. We are providing SOS 24/7 roadside breakdown assistance services to motorists through our brand This service is digitally powered as the service dispatch can be tracked on real time basis through our GPS tracking and monitoring platform

Setting up of 101 DRCs on major highways is a National Project to manage National Disaster of road accidents deaths which is a human induced disaster, and also for the natural disaster. This being a national project which is a mega venture and we have scheduled and planned to complete it in 10 years. on all major highways across India. We have planned to introduce first Ambulance drone in India by the year end 2024 after obtaining the necessary approvals from DGCA. We are in the process of having the extensive strategic collaboration and alliance with the industry leaders across India so that together we can achieve our goal. We have strategic alliance with 200 plus NGOs throughout India. We are also increasing our network of volunteers and donors. Right now our donors can get the benefit of tax exemptions under 80G, but we are in the process of getting 100% tax exemptions for our donors and we are sure that in another 6 months we will get this certification also. We are also in the process of forming National Safety Brigade (NSB) Committee in all the states comprises of top business tycoons and industry leaders. We want to convey our messages to mass and decided to do this through our quarterly  published Journal " DRC National Road Safety Journal" and first edition is in the process of editing and will be launched and inaugurate on the eve of WDR celebration. We will be cover key issues related to road safety such as precautionary measures, remedial measures, road accident updates, road accident causes, Updates on road conditions, Traffic Police Performance, Public Role on Road Traffic, Emergency Crew Performance, Good Samaritans updates, Govt. Initiatives on Road safety, Tips on Driving Skills, Sponsors Ads, and more. We have to face lot of challenges but our team work and strong determination will overcome all hurdles and we are teamed up to meet our set target.

DRC Road Safety Journal

We are launching our national edition publication DRC Road Safety Journal on 22nd April 2023. With this journal/magazine we want to convey road safety awareness messages to public and also encouraging people to be good Samaritans by helping road accident victims post crashes. In this magazine we are covering most of the topics related to road safety, and state govt. initiative and also central govt. initiative on road safety.

Road Safety Campaign (RSC) and Reward n Recognition (RnR):

Welcome to RSC n R&R- We are an Indian NGO working on developing road safety programs to increase knowledge, awareness and skills amongst all types of road users. Besides educating, we also intend to work closely with the traffic police department to improve enforcement.

MIC believes that community involvement can give strong support to the cause of road safety and motivates political will, thus enable road safety actions to be prioritized and implemented. We would like give reward and recognition to safest drivers and also to emerge.

We are also conducting inter-school competitions on road safety such as quiz, essay writing, drawing and other activities to educate and create awareness amongst younger generation to adopt safety measures to prevent road traffic accidents. We also educate, encourage youth to adopt necessary measure to prevent accidents, avoid over speed which is the main cause of accidents. Because data confirming that the death ratio of youth is more compare to other age group.

We also encourage general public to come forward and join to handle this national project by volunteering us to save lives of road accident victims. We conduct training camps to educate and train the members of the general public by giving them the necessary tips how to help the road crash victims till the emergency response team arrive at the spot for rescue. We also give recognition to such people who receive training and also giving awards to such people who come forward to help accident victims for being a good Samaritans.



We look forward towards the community, individuals and corporate worl and also the government to support this cause...!!

We have approached Prime Minister of India, Ministry of Transport and Highway Govt. of India and Health Ministry Govt. of India for necessary approvals and financial grant/Aid. Please click here....... to view the scanned copies of the letters received from Govt. of India for our National Project of ARC. Please click on the below video link to view project video

Diasater Relief Center (Concrete Structure)


Disaster Relief Center (Portable Structure)

Facility at ARC in the event of any radiological/nuclear/bio hazards treatment

Drone Ambulance

Mobile ARC (OT-ICU-Lab)

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     Collaborations with Industry leaders for a National Project to manage National Disaster