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 The GIBMA Kriya / Therapy - Constitution of Concept 

India is the land of many sages and saints and no other country has received such a great honour and pride. It is written in our scriptures that our body  and the outer world what we see is temporary. The meaning of the said saying was misinterpreted by us. Based on these misinterpretations majority of us did not take good care of our own body and we did not excel in the outer world. The person who excel in outer world foreign companies hire them.

In western countries they worked on body and fitness and they also excelled in the outer world.  They developed many technologies and products which we import from them. We did not excel even in sports as we hardly get 1 or 2 gold medals in Olympic games.

We place a great deal of importance on imported theories and imported products, but they are formulated and produced on the basis of our Indian concepts, philosophy & spirituality. The Golden Rules of GIBMA is the philosophy and theory of Mother India Care - MIC which is constituted  on the basis of science of psychology, experimented and verified by Global Research Center, and soon the world will follow mind gardening using GIBMA Kriya to excel in any domain and to become No. 1 in the world in any domain.

Our goal setting is not done properly as it was done incorrectly as “End Poverty”, “End Corruption” etc. because poverty and corruption are negative affirmations. Even now also government and opposition are shouting these negative affirmation slogans.  Whereas it  should have been to "Increase Prosperity" and "Increase Etiquette".  What we want in reality those words should only be used for goal setting only those words seeds must be sown. Consequently the poverty is increasing and corruption also increasing in India.

Ruling party blames that opposition party has more corrupt leaders and they have done big scam and opposition party blames ruling party has more corrupt leaders and they have done big scams.  Both ruling and opposition parties are finding faults and complaining and no one is finding solution. But Mother India Care has found the root cause and constituted a solution to heal the root cause. It time to wake up and time to bring the reformatory and biggest change. Any change can be measured by how many people support the change, how many become part of the solution and how many remain part of the problem.

India is no. 1 in the world in road accident deaths and having 1% of world vehicles and every year and accounts for 3% to 5% GDP loss which is around Rs. 5.96 Lakh crore in 2022 (by world bank) and we are losing 1.5 Lakh precious lives every year and victim families are forced into poverty. The precious lives once gone will never come back and affecting huge loss to GDP every year and affecting our economic growth. Do we try to look into this statistics and loss to families and loss to nation every year? 

There are many issues in India and need improvement and transformation. People are being fooled to get votes and no promises are being fulfilled, some freebies are being given just to show off and fool people, and people have accepted it.

Public's attention is being diverted by concealing the facts or by distorting the facts and even public forgets the real issue. And the real issue becomes a canker. There are many issues in India and they need to be addressed and resolved in a proper way and fixed at the root level.

We are working seriously on the issues so that their root causes can be fixed, efforts will be made to remove their root causes as soon as possible and for this we need mass solidarity of the public. Mother India Care has taken up the first task to achieve 360 degree reversal in road accident deaths in India by 2030.

After long study and research our team of professionals has successfully formed GIBMA Kriya and they deserve huge appreciation and also kudos to their efforts. The GIBMA Kriya is a special 4K Mechanism for reinventing, renovating and rejuvenating our lives thru mind gardening, which is scientifically proven by Global Wisdom Research as an exceptionally effective mechanism.  

Root Cause old mindset and it required to be changed thru Goal - Input - Brain - Mind-Action (GIBMA) Kriya & 25 golden rules of GIBMA for safer road journey for everyone..

Dormant, development stages
People are sowing seeds in their mind gardens without knowing their fruits. Seeds are words, thoughts, idea, opinion, prejudices and concept. They plant unwanted seed, it sprout a thought, it grows to plant and become big tree. When fruit comes then they sadly says why it has happened to them.

People know what is right and they have taken their mistakes for granted and repeating them, and this mindset is required to be renovated and reset. Unknowingly people are falling into self-deception trap and they are not even aware of it. There is a need to root out the unwanted overgrown weeds and sow the right seeds in the mind garden. Plant the right seeds in the garden of your mind thru GIBMA Kriya. The GIBMA Kriya is a combination of science and spirituality. Our mind garden is like a land garden and we can sow the seeds of words seeds in the mind garden and this has been proven by various universities and also  written in our holy scriptures. We are using multiple techniques for brain and DNA reprogramming that has been scientifically proven by various universities in the world. The 4K Mechanism of GIBMA Kriya - Burning Kriya (Destruction), Renovating Kriya (Renovation), Sowing Kriya (Installation) & Caring Kriya (Integration) have been constituted for the mind gardening.

This GIBMA Kriya for mind gardening was experimented and verified by Global Wisdom Research as an exceptionally effective mechanism for mind gardenining. The GIBMA Kriya is a basic tool which is a part of the 21 tools of the Decade of Action Plan - DOAP Toolkit. Mother India Care has constituted the Decade of Action Plan - DOAP 2030 on National Road Safety and it was launched was launched by Hon'ble Upalokayukta of Karnataka on 26th Nov 2020. The DOAP Tolkit was launched by Sri Rajender Kumar Kataria - IAS (Principal Secretary to Government of Karnataka - Department of Transport) on 26 Nov 2021 thru a grand ceremonial event. In this grand event Army persons and Karnataka police joined together in the history and formed human map of India 

The Concept of GIBMA -  GIBMA stands for (Goals - Input - Brain - Mind - Action) Kriya is the main requirement of the road safety and which is  being overlooked at the time of started using public roads which are deadlier and also at the time of issuing driving license. Obtaining a driving license is a short-term goal and limited to allowing vehicles to drive on public roads is misinterpreted with the freedom. Public roads are mistaken with public amusement park. The freedom on public roads means, as far as your self-control goes as far goes your freedom. As long as you use public roads, mastering self-control and maintaining a good ranking record you are genius road user, which is overlooked as a long-term goal. The GIBMA rule # 1 is goal setting. Unless you set your goals, disaster is your destination. When all awareness campaigns for physical practice is not working, mind gardening is the ultimate solution to make the habit to follow traffic rules.

1.  Goal setting - ACCISAFE

While starting using the public roads must set your short range and long range goals of Adherence, Caution, Control, Improvement, Safety, Alert,  Focus, Estimation – ACCISAFE and follow it. Additionally you must maintain your road users e-profile with good ranking record until you drive or walk on public roads. Stay committed to prove your self-control in an out-of-control world until you use the deadlier roads. By pursuing goals you can reach well planned destination every day and without setting goals you will reach at unplanned destination. Unless you set your goals disaster is your destination. Every day over 500 road users in India are facing disaster as their destination. Taking action to prevent a disaster is called humans & while waiting for the disaster to occur & then taking action is called inhuman. Advice after injury is medicine after death because it is least heeded when most needed.  With goal setting be safer, without goal setting be sufferer. Prefer delayed gratification as it is integrated to achieve 360 degree reversal in road accident deaths in India by 2030. Make common goal a part of your life  contribute as per the individual capacity. Adhere traffic laws, be cautious to understand risky roads, traffic movement and situation, maintain mastery of self-control, prefer safety, stay alert for any unexpected incident, maintain full focus on road, maintain your road safety proficiency RSP profile in good record which is your estimation of e-profile. The goal setting of ACCISAFE is ignored when started using public roads by pedestrians and motorists. The individuals set their short term goal to obtain a driving license and as soon as they attain it, they start treating the road like an amusement park, and believe they have the freedom to use it as they see fit. The long range goal must be set by every road user and which is to maintain road safety proficiency RSP – Profile in good record,    The GIBMA rule # 2 is input setting to pursue goals. The input in you is the output by you. Double check your seed before planting it as it grows into a tree and bears fruit and sow only the seed you want to harvest.

2.  Input – Rightly chosen Words Seeds

In the absence of right input, we will never get the right output.  The input related to your actions, behavior and performance on road should be fed to the subconscious. Weeds are automatically growing when seeds are not sown. In the absence of right input the right output is impossible. Sowing nothing and expecting best crop, and doing nothing and expecting the best result is insanity. When the brain is not set and conditioned properly then the mind will go for the instant gratification which are short lived and dangerous. So feeding the right input to the subconscious brain is a must to get the desired output, The words seeds need to be fed to our brain in order to get the entire output that we desire. The input can be fed to our subconscious through 4P techniques (writing process, breathing process, watering process, cosmic process & visualizing process). At the time of distress situation how to establish the contact with inner conscience to get the right command to handle the distress situation rightly, how to handle new and different situation on road, input should be properly fed to the subconscious.  All information must be fed properly and through positive affirmation. Practice gratitude prayer and start hearing the sound of cosmos and also start recognizing the message of the cosmos for your safety when you are in distress situation. The GIBMA rule # 3 is pursuing goals with brain setting and storing the right information. Brain acts like a processor of the computer.

3.  Brain:   Positive direction

The brain is acting as a memory like we have computer. What all information we feed and store into the memory it will transform into output based on the command. The maximum processing speed of human brain is around 60 bits per second.  On the basis of the input and stored information the command triggers the brain neurons to release of required chemicals to our body and our body takes actions accordingly. So once the brain conditioning is set, our body will take desired action, then the desired output and result is following automatically. Weeds are active when seeds are not sown. In the absence of right input the right output is impossible. Sowing nothing and expecting the best crop, and doing nothing and expecting the best result is insanity. When the brain is not set and conditioned properly then the mind will go for the instant gratification which are short lived and dangerous. So feeding the right input to the subconscious brain is a must to get the desired output, The whole input needs to be fed to our brain in order to get the entire output that we desire. Human mind is biased to negativity (virus) and to prevent this we have to use positive affirmative words to set the positive mind and we have to remove virus (negativity) from time to time. When the computer is infected with the virus or brain is infected with negative information you either have to remove the virus or reformat the system. So stand like a guard at the door of your brain and allow only positive information to enter into it. The GIBMA rule # 4 is pursuing goals with brain wiring and Mind setting to make the habit of traffic rules adherence. Mind setting can help you instruct brain to do the right things and form a habit.  .

4.  Mind :   Instructions to brain

Humans are having two legs, two hands, two ears two nostle, two eyes, two brains and two minds (processor). All the organs are performing one task at a time but mind is invisible and not performing one task at a time it keeps jumping to another. Because of only this reason we are not able to focus at one task at a time.

Mind is biased to negativity and human behavior always prefer freedom and instant gratification. Although our body and brain are developed with the age but our mind is still act like a child and as long as there is a child in our mind, that child need a rod to grow up, and sparing the rod will spoil the child. Keep a wisdom stick handy when the negative mind attempts to distract you from the ongoing task to relax or for entertainment the way it was used to manage kids. In mind setting, individuals process a technique, like mindfulness, to instruct and focus their brain on a particular object or topic. In order to change any habit, we need to desired input to brain and our mind should give instruction to brain and the more the instruction, the more the action, the more the focus, and the more the results. Our mind prefers the tasks that give instant gratification and instant gratifications are short lived and are dangerous. So we have to set our mind for delayed gratification that is long lived by integrating to a purpose and noble goal which has a great value. Visualize the reality of long term gratification and take action only to that direction even when the mind distracts to do easy task.  Control your mind whenever it instructs you to make a shift from the task in hand else we will be controlled by our mind. The negativity will be trying its best to distract you in the form of virus and the moment it pops up you have to pick it up and throw away as and when it pops up just repeat the process and focus on the task,  one task at a time.  Successful people are those who develop this ability to focus on one task at a time for a longer period of time. Set the mind for repetition, repetition & repetition for doing right action until it becomes your reflex action and to empower this repetition you can take meditation support. The GIBMA rule # 5 is taking immediate action, no more procrastination, just do it now..

5.  Action  – Just do it now and be Prepared

We all know what is right but we don't implement those principles in our daily life because we are not serious or we don’t feel the urgency or we do against that with the apprehension to recover it later and thus we are cheating ourselves. All words that are not been converted into deeds are like a garden full of weeds. Speak up and give command repeatedly to your brain to take action and do it now. Make habit of taking positive and right action.  The repeated command transform into action, and repeated actions form the habit and once the habit is formed you become genius road users and be prepared to identify safety messages sent by the cosmos to handle any distress situation on public roads. The habit of committing small mistakes becomes bigger mistakes, so we must avoid committing small mistakes when on roads. One wrong action even by mistake must be compensated by increasing the gratitude prayer duration by 30 minutes every day of for 21 days to wash away the wrongful act. Even if you have paid the fine or even if your wrong act unnoticed by the traffic police but you have noticed it. Must prefer delayed gratification.  With the help of above four process, maintain habit of reaching your well planned destination every day, self-appreciate and do gratitude prayer a meditation in anticipation every day.


Mother India Care has constituted GIBMA Kriyas for mind gardening to excel and become number one in 16 different domains. The GIBMA Kriya is a special & effective mechanism for MIND GARDENING using neuroscience and psychology and also the spirituality to use our brain better and take control of our mind.


The mind gardening for road safety intelligence is one of them which is a gateway to cosmic connection awakening, mind conditioning, rewriting destiny, observing and controlling the mind, integrating the mind and the body with a common goal, improving oneself, increasing focus, empowering armour of safety, transforming public awareness to preparedness, healing root cause of road accident deaths, fostering a culture of ethical mind gardeners and conscious community club and creating masters of self-control in an out of control world.


Accept the National Dare of Mother India Care for mind gardening using GIBMA Kriya and sow the right words seeds and take good care of your crop and reap more and by doing so you are building a strong mindset, the body will follow and can be seen in your actions and behavior on roads..


Every day over 500 families in India are receiving dead bodies of their loved ones because of road accident deaths which is manmade disaster.

Metal body is controlled by the mechanism and if the mechanism goes out of control then accident is the result.  Human body is controlled by the mind and if the mind goes out of control the accident is the result. Human mind is blind and we blindly trust the mind and consequently we are facing disaster. Time to take control of your mind and fix the flaws else we have to face more disasters.


The riskiest thing we are doing is maintaining this status quo of increasing road crash death, and one day we too will become its prey. It is important to understand that the status quo of this increasing road accident deaths is inevitable.


Taking action to prevent a disaster is called humans and living life with waking consciousness, while waiting for the disaster to occur and then taking action is called inhuman and living life with dormant consciousness.


Stones have dormant consciousness, vegetation has 25%, animals have 50%  and humans have 100% consciousness but majority of humans are leading a life with dormant consciousness and deceiving themselves.


Road users pay full attention while learning a vehicle driving because of the risk of accident and after learning they pay divided attention with the misapprehension of no risk of accident. But there is a always a risk of accidental suicide when on roads.


People know what is right but they have taken their mistakes for granted and are repeating them. Research says all road users fall into either of the two categories.


1. Who claim they are well experienced road users.

2. Who blame others for daily road accident deaths.


By doing so all are putting a deadlock on their self-improvement and increasing the road accident deaths.  Road users are having 14 main impairments and no road users in the world can deny the first two impairments in the list of 14 except those who have done the GIBMA Kriya. Therefore they must go for GIBMA Kriya for integrating the mind and the body to achieve the 360 degree reversal in road accident deaths in India by 2030.   Our mind is always pulling us towards comfort zone, commanding us to prefer convenience over safety, ease of access, instant gratification and which is dangerous for long term.

Our mind is blind because it is dragging us and pushing us in a same pit knowingly the risk involved in that pit. Our mind is controling us where as we should control our mind. Our mind is always pulling us towards comfort zone, commanding us to prefer convenience over safety, instant gratification and which is dangerous for long term and we are doing this because of the ease of access. Our mind is blind because it is dragging us and pushing us in a same pit knowingly the risk involved in that pit. Our mind is controlling us where as we should control our mind.

No one is perfect and not all of us admit to our imperfections. The past is to prove that no one is perfect and the future is to prove that everyone can be better. No one is born perfect but born to be the best. Nobody is perfect and we can try to be the best and settle for being better than the same. Despite the fact that no one can be perfect, but with GIBMA Kriya you can excel and become better than the rest, and we want to ensure that no is left behind in the category of rest.

We do blind faith and third eye is not joining with our face eyes that is the biggest problem. If our third eye is not joining with our face eyes it is our fault, our mistake. We should involve third eye with our face eyes and it is must on roads. For this reason we have committed lots of mistakes and now no more mistakes.


Repair the potholes of your mindset with GIBMA Kriya and retrain your brain to receive the positive information in line with the intention and goal and also with consistency.


Obtaining license is the goal of road users to take advantage of public roads as amusement parks, while the license is just a permission to drive on public roads while adhering to road traffic laws.


The current mindset is the root cause of road accident deaths that must be remapped. There is no challenge more challenging than the challenge to improve your-self.

Mother India Care promotes GIBMA Kriya for transforming public awareness into preparedness and mind remapping to fix the root cause of daily road accident deaths. GIBMA Kriya is 4 step mechanism , burning kriya, neutrality kriya, sowing kriya and caring kriya for mind gardening..

GIBMA Kriya involves anticipatory gratitude meditation followed by 4P technique, which is a combination of spirituality and science and is verified by Global Wisdom Research.

Meditate through waking consciousness and if your mind is shifting to another task from the task in hand, then tell that mind the consequences and be on the right track or use the special technique via GIBMA Kriya to maintain focus on the in hand ask.

GIBMA Kriya also involves brain and DNA programming to strengthen intelligence and also to awaken cosmic connection to identify the safety messages sent by the cosmos in the event of any distress situation.


The main purpose  of GIBMA Kriya is to integrate the mind and the body to a noble goal of achieving 360 degree reversal in road accident deaths in India by 2030. GIBMA Kriya is the best mechanism used for mind gardening so as to form a new habit of gratitude meditation and  to store superscript in the subconscious via 4P techniques that includes writing and breathing process to get a desired output. .


People across India are bringing down the risk of human induced disaster to very low levels thru ethical mind gardening using GIBMA Kriya and raising awareness about the importance of curbing the risks faced by them.


The contents of the superscript have been constituted on the science of psychology covering entire road safety measures, so as to provide, better sense of safety. To involve all road users and create a lasting change, we are presenting GIBMA Kriya as a challenge to become wiser and better..

Law of sowing and reaping is, you reap more than what you have sown. Remember that when you sow a seed of violation of road traffic rules, the harvest includes not only fines but also accidental suicides. 

So must recheck carefully with waking conscious what are you sowing. Hence, you must double-check carefully with waking consciousness what you are sowing.

People come forward to do GIBMA Kriya after getting the road traffic injury but they must do to prevent road traffic injuries. Advise after injury is like a medicine after death because it is least headed when most needed.


There is no match between darkness and light, but light must be active because in the absence of light darkness is automatic. There is no match between accident and prevention, but prevention must be active because in the absence of prevention accident is automatic.


There is no match between dormant consciousness and waking consciousness, but waking consciousness must be active, because in the absence  of waking consciousness the dormant consciousness is automatic.


Every day we face new and different situations on the road and we manage them as per our options which no institution teaches. Choosing the right option to handle new situations can prevent road accidents, while choosing the wrong option will result in road accidents. GIBMA Kriya empowers to choose the right option.


Roads are deadlier than pandemic, and if you do GIBMA Kriya and maintain waking consciousness then roads are kinder. Do the GIBMA Kriya and become a master of self-control in an out of control world. 


On 26the November 2023 the eve of constitution day of India and foundation day of Mother India Care, is going to launch Akaal Akhand Jyothi, which will keep lighting up 24/7 till eternity and desi ghee will be used for this sacred light.


This Akaal Akhand  Jyothi, the sacred light will remind the world to live life with waking consciousness and will be travel via special Van across the globe to spread the power of positive energy, empower waking consciousness.


It is imperative that all road users accept the challenge and have their minds remapped through GIBMA Kriya to achieve 360 degree reversal in road accident deaths in India by 2030.


Make a conscious effort to be part of the solution and be your own mind gardener by accepting the national dare of Mother India Care to improve yourself and to be a part of the solution. If you are not a part of solution, you are a part of the problem. The doers of GIBMA Kriya will also have an opportunity to win rupees one crore through a lucky dip.


Call for solidarity to do the GIBMA Kriya and together let us make combined and powerful effort to fix the root cause of road accident deaths the way we handled the pandemic by making sure no one is left behind.


People who have done GIBMA Kriya are living their life with waking consciousness and are member of Conscious Community Club and they  are  Ethical Mind Gardners. To foster a culture of conscious community, we mobilize actions, count on every individual action, and make every action count on national action map.

Do the GIBMA Kriya and be a genius road user. Encourage others to do the GIBMA Kriya and be a road safety superhero and also open up your third eye your waking consciousness and prevent self deception.

By doing the GIBMA Kriya and taking care of planted seeds, road users will be supercharged, more focused and self-disciplined on roads.  Self disciplined road may be hard, but its results are priceless.

Click here to accept the National Dare of Mother India Care to do the GIBMA Kriya

 GIBMA Kriya - Fostering Culture of Conscious Community 
 GIBMA Kriya Creating- Ethical Mind Gardners - The Conscious Community Club Members  
 Road Safety Yog Sadhna-Must for Every Road User 
 Akaal Akhand Jyothi - Lighting up 24/7 till Eternity  
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